Hundal Solutions

Bespoke solution design and database development for financial markets.

The Surveillance File: Financial Crime & Pre-Event Transaction Monitoring

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Thank you to those in my network at ThomasNet, BNY-Mellon, NATO, the City of Calgary, and former RAF analysts, as well as the tribal peoples of Kenya and villages from the far reaches of Eurasia for your support including those yet unexplored. I still believe that we can make a difference together with the open source.

  1. Integration of Surveillance Systems with Cognitive Services:
-- Snowflake SQL to create a stage for video data ingestion
CREATE STAGE video_stage;

-- Azure Blob Storage integration for video data transfer
LOCATION = 'azure://<storage_account_name><container_name>/video_data/';

-- dbt model for transforming raw video data
{{ dbt_model('transform_video_data') }}

-- SQL query to run object detection on video data
SELECT object_id, detected_object
FROM video_data
CROSS APPLY AzureCognitiveServices.DetectObjects(video_data);

In this example, we’re using Snowflake for data storage, Azure Blob Storage for video data interchange, and dbt for data transformation. The code demonstrates how to ingest video data, transform it using dbt, and run object detection using Azure Cognitive Services. In a life-or-death scenario, the extractions can be mounted with real-time data flows from a CCTV into the stage to provide up-to-the-minute object detection of guns, including ATM’s. Save time and money on

2. Transaction Monitoring for Suspicious Purchases:

-- Snowflake SQL to create a stage for transaction data ingestion
CREATE STAGE transaction_stage;

-- Azure Data Factory pipeline for ingesting transaction data
CREATE PIPELINE ingest_transaction_data
COPY INTO transaction_data
FROM 'azure://<storage_account_name><container_name>/transaction_data/';

-- dbt model for transforming raw transaction data
{{ dbt_model('transform_transaction_data') }}

-- SQL script to run anomaly detection on transaction data
SELECT transaction_id, transaction_amount
FROM transaction_data
WHERE AzureMachineLearning.IsAnomaly(transaction_data);

In the target instance, we’re using Snowflake for data storage, Azure Data Factory for data ingestion, and dbt for data transformation. The code illustrates how to ingest transaction data, transform it using dbt, and run anomaly detection with Azure Machine Learning. Based on the legacy credit & debit card transactional database with the FIs – which have become the target of payment surveillance today – the data available through institutional clients in the Eurozone provide a clear use case for follow-up on ammunition sales within regulated environments. The specific Azure pipeline during the COPY INTO steps from the first ingestion nets only eight results on SERP’s as of today’s publication date.

Regarding data interchange, the examples above utilize various methods such as Azure Blob Storage for large-scale data storage and transfer, Snowflake for cloud data warehousing, and direct connections or APIs for accessing external data sources like Azure Cognitive Services and Azure Machine Learning. The minimal requirement, according to the results of the jailbreak, was not achieved in the regional sandbox that we tested according to these computer forensics with the master datasets.